The first venture into the choreographic work for The Perelandra Project began with the 12 Minutes Max residency at the Dance Centre. This residency provided the Artist Perelandra with the resources she needed to build the first choreography that helped develop the style and aesthetic of the work. This choreography is intended for the 3rd act of the show. It follows “The Lady” (also referred to as the Queen Mother and Tinidrill) of the planet “Perelandra” as she is becoming awakened to her self-autonomy for the first time. The Antagonist Weston (now the Unman) gifts The Lady a mirror which therefore also exposes her to vanity. This solo explores the psychological horror of recognizing that the way others see you in the real world is likely different from the “you” that you perceive yourself to be internally. It also explores modern issues of Eurocentric beauty standards from a 2 Spirit, Intersectionally Feminist and Indigenous perspective.